June 25
• Edited (Jun 25, 2024)

Explore Our New GB2 Curriculum with Professor Ana Laura Cordeiro

Hi GB Community,

We're excited to share two special video sessions featuring Professor Ana Laura Cordeiro, where she unveils key aspects of her new GB2 curriculum. These sessions are designed to enhance your understanding and skills in Jiu-Jitsu through in-depth exploration of advanced techniques.

Available Sessions:

  • The Foundations of GB2 Curriculum: Join Professor Ana Laura as she introduces the transformative techniques that are foundational to our new training series. This session covers the essentials that every practitioner needs to evolve their skills and takes your through Week 15, Class A.

  • Deepening Your Jiu-Jitsu Practice: The second session takes you through Week 15, Class B, where Professor Ana Laura answers important community questions and demonstrates techniques that refine your strategic execution on the mat.

Why Watch?

  • Early Access to Exclusive Techniques: Get a sneak peek into the curriculum's advanced techniques before the new GB2 Curriculum is released on July 7th.

  • Learn from the best: Benefit from the insights of a fourth-degree black belt and world champion.

  • Engage and Grow: Share your views and discuss how these techniques can elevate your practice.

Watch Now: Explore the Sessions

These sessions are more than just training; they are an opportunity to engage deeply with the art of Jiu-Jitsu and apply these learnings to enhance your performance and understanding. We're eager to hear your thoughts and to foster a vibrant discussion here in our community.

See you in the comments!

Best, The GB Online Team